Selasa, 15 Maret 2011


selamat ________(isi sendiri) wahai para pembaca blog gue.

gua sedang di tengah tugas dan otak gue mampet. jadi tiba2 bertiup angin akan kangen ngeblog. trus yah yang sialnya gue lupa password blog sendiri.( OH KENAPA IBUNDA MELAHIRKAN ANAKNYA MENJADI ANAK YANG SUPER PELUPA BEGINI?) pokokknya anyway setelah gua berpikir keras dan jidat gua berkedut kedut kayak pinggang berlemak ibu-ibu, GUA BISA JUGA LOG IN BLOG GUE. YEAHH! #cheering!

HAI.. SINGKAT KATA. saat pertama memulai blog ini. gue adalah siswi SMA yang superABABIL.(LABIL,GALAU,dsb..gue gatau gimana lo orang nyebutnya sebonding amatt lah yah, HAHAHA) pertama kali gua mulai blog gue cuman ceritanya tentang kehidupan SMA gue yanng gada habisnya trus diikuti dengan postingan-postingan serabutan dan makin lama makin aneh ( ATO HARUS GUE TULIS "MAKIN LABIL" tapi gue gamau ngatain diri gue sendiri, mang gue bego?HAHAHAHHA)

SEKARANG..EHEMM.. semenjak tahun kemaren gue menjadi mahasiswi di salah satu universitas swasta di JAKARTA sebut saja (UNTAR) owkay.. itu memang bukan tujuan awal perkuliahan gue. cuman anyway nasib yang menemukan dan gue terdampar di suatu pulau yang bernama UNTAR. wkwkwk so ENJOY AJA DEH! Gue masuk jurusan FSRD loh! bangga gue menyebut diri gue anak kreatif padahal cuman demen corat-coret daripada gua ngitung matematik ato hapal macem-macem yanng tentunya bakal bikin tampang gue JAUH JAUH lebih berkeriput dan TUA. HAHAHAHHA

GUE adalah anak KEDUA dari hubungan bonyok gue.
GUE punya kakak cewek.
GUE tinggal di rumah "sedeng"
GUE punya tementemen yang SUPERMENYENANGKAN
GUE punya pacar maniss. (ASIKKK..!)

pokokknya hidup gue sekarang lebih stabil dan menyenangkan. dulu seperti anak sma lainnya gue tuh benci sama hidup gue.. ngeluh molo..KENAPA BEGINI KENAPA BEGITU

I love my campus life, fellows.! (except tugas2nya dan tentunya annoying peoplee or i should said pengajar) wkwkkwkwkw

MAMAM. uda panjang amat yeh segini dulu oks.! gue mau lanjut tugas dulu..tar lanjutt yeehh.. benerrr deh tar lanjut.! sumpeh sumpehh tar lanjutt.. sabarr yakk wkwkwkkw...........

Selasa, 18 Januari 2011


hello bloggers.
it's been really-pretty-long since i've been touching this blog.
you wanna know why ?
it's silly really, it's totally because i forget my email add and my password.

so a little tiny advice for you guys,
please, seriously... have one email address and password.

it's been like hell to me knowing that i forget my own blog.
but after tiny-winny-wiping and all of that, i finally remember. :D

so let's have a clap for me ..!! HAHAHHA yeayy! #clapping.



Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

seniman kolots.

yes.. you'll think i'm crazy to call myself like that..
but i'm really sure this nickname fits me.
yes .. i'm a 'seniman kolot' D:

first of all.. what is 'seniman'??
in my opinion a 'seniman' isn't just a person who can paint or draw or making crafts, etc. but i think 'seniman' are people WHO CREATE THINGS, so a chef or a bussiness man and the others are 'seniman' too.. but in their parts. see ?? so.. everybody are 'seniman'

so, maybe this question cross your mind.. "why i call myself a 'seniman kolot'??.. it's probably weird that somebody just call themselves as bad as that.." hahahaa..

my answer for that question is because as a 'seniman' in my part ( drawing sketching painting,photography,etc.) i like to make everything in my own style.. I hate it if somebody try to tell me what to do or copy my works.. i just hated it.

in my sketch course, i had this wonderful teacher, his name is mr.Rohman.. and he is a painter.. (woww...).. as a person, he's really a low-profile one, he's a laidback person (just like me) and he love to sing songs (just like me) and the best part from him is he let me do whatever i like with my works. he just said to me "do your work anykind that you want, don't feel bad when you do something that you love..just do it. that's why i love to be his student. C:

He taught me to have my own works, and not to let anybody bring me down in my work. He said that the most important things when you want to produce works are sleep well, not to get starving, chilled out, feel happy and not to force it. He's the best.. hahaha

He gave me a funny nickname.. he said i'm a "black-metal girl", why? it's because on my works i always give dark and bold strokes and my line is always dark and black, and the other is because we love to sing rock songs when we are studying.. hahaha lol.

we love to talk about weird stuffs too! .. we're often talk about painter lifes like van gogh, picasso,rembrandts,monet,etc. we love to talk about reggae, punk, metal, indie, gypsy community. we love to talk about music.. and the others too! i think i find my soulmate in artworld.. hahaha..(fyi. he's a 60 years old guy!just don't think bad, okayy?! WKWKKWKW).. that's why i always said to my mumm..., to find an art teacher is like finding 'pasangan hidup',wkwkwkw.. that's why we're just like kuali and tutupnya.. wkwkw

my mumm said that me and my teacher are 'seniman kolot' hahaha..

so .. here are some of my sketch-works you can check it out.C:

okay okay that's it.. see you on next post..
emme C:

Senin, 28 Juni 2010


I ♥ myGod.
I ♥ myParents.
I ♥ mySister.
I ♥ myFamily.
I ♥ myFriends.
I ♥ myDoggies.
I ♥ mySayanggs.(loh?!)
ahahahak.. *jitakk*

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

right now na na na na

okayy it's been so long since i write in this blog..
you know.. holiday really can kill me now..
there are times that i want to write but everytime that the weather feels hot.. i just wanna stay in my room and sleep all dayy.. oh my.. really.. hahaha..

so i write today to tell you guys that i'm okay.. i feel great.. and i never feel better than this time.. cause i now.. i figured out what are the meaning of and having fun.. wkwkw..

see youu when i see you
<3 emme. C:

Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

yesterday, when i opened facebook, i saw this ..

i think this is so TRUE..
yes we can't control our feelings..
but we can control our actions..

*inspiring. lol


okay. I change my layout.
i feel bored with the old one..
i think it's too kiddo.
haven't found the new one yet..
so this is it.